Each row records the date and the winning numbers. Any number colored with yellow indicates that number also hit the previous day. It may be interesting for some in our audience to keep track of the percentage of time a number from the previous day hits the next day.
Unless otherwise noted calculations are based on the main grid for that game compiled over the last 200 games. Statistics tend to flatten out the farther back one looks. For that reason and to keep the numbers more "interesting" we'll only look at the last 200 games.
Have fun!
This is a sample of the "Total Hits Grid" from the Treasure Hunt game. We have looked through the main grid and counted how many times each of the numbers from 1 to 30 have hit over the past 200 games. Then we sorted that list of numbers ranking the number of hits highest to lowest left to right. The ball numbers are in red. The latest sorted data is at the top of the table. Notice the second row of numbers is in black. This information is hidden for all rows except the first row. The black numbers show you how many times the number in red above it has hit over the past 200 games.

Notice for example that the number 4 is sitting in the column that has gone the longest since housing a winning number. Notice also that the number 25 has hit 41 times whereas the number 29 has hit only 25 times.
Do you see any patterns forming? If you do, follow it and project what you think will be the next green square on the top row. Jot down that number and see if it hits.
See how the last spread of winning numbers is only 12 squares wide and is positioned in the center of the grid? Where is the spread going to be in the next game? Is it going to be a wide spread with numbers spaced fairly evenly or is it going to be skewed to the left or to the right? Who knows?
The grids for Mega Millions, Powerball, Cash5 and Match6 are all designed the same as this sample grid.
In the Powerball and Mega Millions game you will have a "Total Hits Grid" for both the main numbers and the Powerball/Megaball numbers.
Have fun!
This is a sample of the "Days Since Grid" which is also taken from the Treasure Hunt game.
This grid is designed the same as the Total Hits Grid. However the data in this grid records how many games have passed since each of the 30 numbers has hit.
For example the number 13 has gone 13 days since it last hit. If you go back to the main grid and look, you will see that the number 13 first appears in the 13th row.
There will always be five numbers on the far right which have gone one day since last hitting. Those are the winners from the last game.
So, is the 13 going to hit? That column looks pretty popular over the past 6 games. Or is the 27 going to hit since it is sitting in the column which has gone the longest without housing a winning number?
Look at how wide the spread was for the last game. It caught both extremes and was weighted towards the far right. Where will it fall in the next game? How wide will it be?
Project your guesses onto the top row and jot down the numbers.
Do you see any patterns forming from the green cells? If you think you do, follow the pattern and project the next green square on the top row and jot down the number.
Remember, in the Powerball and Mega Millions game you will have a "Days Since Grid" for both the main ball numbers and the Powerball/Megaball numbers.
Compare your guesses with ours and see who does best.
Have fun!
This is a sample of the "Days Since Grid" which is also taken from the Treasure Hunt game.
This grid is designed the same as the Total Hits Grid. However the data in this grid records how many games have passed since each of the 30 numbers has hit.
For example the number 13 has gone 13 days since it last hit. If you go back to the main grid and look, you will see that the number 13 first appears in the 13th row.
There will always be five numbers on the far right which have gone one day since last hitting. Those are the winners from the last game.
So, is the 13 going to hit? That column looks pretty popular over the past 6 games. Or is the 27 going to hit since it is sitting in the column which has gone the longest without housing a winning number?
Look at how wide the spread was for the last game. It caught both extremes and was weighted towards the far right. Where will it fall in the next game? How wide will it be?
Project your guesses onto the top row and jot down the numbers.
Do you see any patterns forming from the green cells? If you think you do, follow the pattern and project the next green square on the top row and jot down the number.
Remember, in the Powerball and Mega Millions game you will have a "Days Since Grid" for both the main ball numbers and the Powerball/Megaball numbers.
Compare your guesses with ours and see who does best.
Have fun!