Friday, May 27, 2011

Holiday weekend starts off well for one Cash 5 winner!

There was one jackpot winner in last night's Cash 5 game. That winner walked away with nearly $1.5 MILLION DOLLARS!!

Over 10,000 ticket buyers matched 3 of the 5 winners. Lots and lots of people play when the jackpot is large.

Tonight's jackpot has reset to $125,000. That's sum is fine with us!

We have just uploaded the new grids for your consumption. Remember, take advantage of our radar picks. Decide how many numbers you think we are going to correctly post. Say for example you think our radar picks for tonight stink. Well, we have just taken eight numbers out of the mix leaving only 35 numbers for you to choose from.

Here are our picks for tonight. Our four numbers from the "Total Hits" grid are the 20 - 16 - 40 and 11. From the "Days Since" grid we have the 18 - 33 - 12 and the 5.

Check out the #17 though. It's been pretty hot lately!

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