Monday, July 18, 2011

No weekend Powerball winners - Wednesday's game worth 76 Million!!

One PA Lottery player matched four of the five winners including the Powerball for a take home check worth $10,000!

But no one across the nation matched all six numbers. That sets the jackpot for Wednesday's game at $76 Million Dollars.

We had one of the winning numbers in last week's blog.

Our "radar picks" for Wednesday's game include five numbers from each of our grids. From the "Total Hits" grid we took the 20 - 13 - 23 - 48 and the 3. Our second card from the "Days Since" grid has the 33 - 2 - 58 - 57 and the 1.

Our "pool of six" picks for the red Powerball are 21 - 20 - 34 - 4 - 39 and the 16.

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