Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Match 6 tops $2 Million for Thursday!! Blog radar captures half the winning numbers!

The winning Match 6 numbers from last night are . . .

2 - 11 (radar pick) - 12 (radar pick) - 16 - 33 (radar pick) - 37

More than 93,600 winning tickets were identified in last night's game!

With nearly a dozen ways to win in this game, nearly 40 players found the two different ways to win $1,000.

One Pennsylvania Lottery player matched 10 of the 18 numbers on their ticket, and won $2,500 !

Yet, no ticket matched all six numbers on one line.

That makes Thursday's game worth $2,100,000 !!!

The new grids for Thursday have just been uploaded.

On our "top 12" radar for the next game are . . .

12 - 20 - 22 - 29 - 35 - 48 - 3 - 15 - 17 - 23 - 27 - 47

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